Tuesday, 3 February 2009


Nice movie with all ingredients of a hit bollywood movie. Accepting this movie was like a bumper lottery hit by Asin. She has really got into the character of Kalpana. Kalpana who defines adjectives like the beautiful, sweet, cute and obviously over the top helpful girl. And Amir Khan has also succeeded in displaying the style of a celebrity, cuteness of lover and the agony of a short term memory loss patient. The Action was also power packed especially to see a 6 something feet , hugely build villain go flying in the air by one punch of our 5 something Hero.
But that chemistry between two lovers was missing in the movie. I think the movie needed some more scenes displaying romance between the Hero & Heroin. Audience could not get a feel of their love and in turn did not feel much for Amir’s lost love. We could not relate to that pain.
One love song of them together would have done the trick. What say ?

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Anonymous,  3 February 2009 at 19:45  

nice post ya , u hit the nail bang on the head

joshy 3 February 2009 at 23:19  

Nice start komal..
keep them posting..
But it think aamir wouldnt have loved the script changes that u have suggested!

Unknown 4 February 2009 at 08:40  

i really enjoyed watching the love story unfold between Asin and aamir.. the prank that Aamir played (which eventually didnt turn out to be told) is some thing which i would love to do :)

Apparently, i hated the scene in which Asin was to be knocked off like a golf ball..

I actually escaped from the cinema hall trying to fake a phony phone call.. only to come back and realize that the scene was yet to come.. :(

yes, i am a chicken heart when it comes to such south Indian violence..

overall.. a good watch..

Komal 4 February 2009 at 10:06  

I totally agree with u nikunj , the action was little too gory for hindi cinema . In fact during the hindi remake many scenes were toned down for e.g. in the tamil version , In first scene where the Hero kills a person by putting a tap through his stomach and then he opens the tap and they show blood coming out .

Unknown 4 February 2009 at 10:25  

they got to tap the loveeeeeeeee... not the blood... :)

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